Monday, August 15, 2011

Sandwich Maker

In my house we often have what I like to call, "Choose Your Own Adventure" meals. Growing up I loved reading the Choose Your Own Adventure books. For those of you who might be unfamiliar, these books start out much like any other other book on page one (or 3 as often is the case). At a pivotal point in the book the reader is given two options. If they want A to happen they turn to page XX and if they want B to happen they turn to page YY to continue reading.  The point of the story is that the reader gets to choose what happens next. 

My Choose Your Own Adventure meals are much the same except each eater starts with whatever they want. Say Nickel and I both want a salad he can add chicken, tomatoes, croutons and cheddar cheese while I add strawberries, blueberries and feta.  

Tonight TheBoyWhoDoesNotTalk(much) wanted a ham sandwich. Since he's only three I gave him half of a sandwich. 

That wasn't enough for him though. And true to his name he didn't ask for sandwich. No, my 3-year old went into the kitchen got out the bread and ham and made himself a sandwich, thank you very much.

Guess who just joined the Choose Your Own Adventure supper club?! I'm stoked. 

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