Thursday, March 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Peanut

My Peanut turned 7 today. I'm depressed.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I'm in a foul mood. Be back when I've changed my attitude.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Time keeps on a tickin

Sorry I haven't had much time to blog the last few days. There's been plenty of stuff to talk about just not time. Peanut lost her first tooth last Saturday. This of course was a big deal. What's sad though, is she already has two of her adult teeth growing in behind her bottom baby teeth so when you see her "toothless" smile you see a row of teeth just one is further back then the others. She's working on a couple of the top ones and then she'll really have a toothless smile. Sorry, I don't have a picture. I'll try to take one soon.

So, in other news due to a miscommunication error Nickel's family will be coming to town this weekend. I was expecting them the next weekend. It will actually work out better for us for them to come this weekend but that means I have to really clean my house a week earlier and I really don't want to.

I've got everything I need to do at work done. This is good and bad all at the same time. For the rest of the month it'll just get to pay a bill here, pay a bill there, do a payroll, and little stuff that'll come in. This is so not fun when I have a million things I need to do at home and am stuck here bored out of my mind! And by the time I get home I'm not at all in the mood to do a darn thing on my list! Oh well. That's what the mad grab and stash two hours before the MIL gets there is for, right?!?!

Be good! I'll check in when I can!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Feeling Good

I was going to post some song lyrics but decided I didn't want to do that so I'm not. But the truth is, I do feel good. The weather is gorgeous! The sun is shining and we have no more snow!! It's even starting to warm up with temperatures close to 70! Hallelujah! I bought a Michael Buble' CD and am loving it!!! If you'd like to listen to him head over to his website: I think you can even hear the Feeling Good song there but first read my post and comment because I like comments.

I've got to send out the invitations for Peanut's birthday this weekend. We're having a Bratz party in a couple of weeks. I think we're going to do hair, makeup and maybe nails (maybe not...might be a bit messy) and have cupcakes. Then I'm going to invite the family to come over around lunch time and have some family time. Peanut's cousin is also having a birthday party that day but later at the skating rink. We'll see if she makes it to that one. Depends on if any family come up for her birthday luncheon and what we end up doing that afternoon.

Nickel and I are going to go to another Hornet's basketball game this month. They play the Knicks here at the end of the month and Nickel loves the Knicks. He wanted me to take him to NYC to see them in the Garden but I just couldn't afford that. The Hornets will be going back to New Orleans next year so I thought this might be the last chance to see them and the Knicks for a long time (at least until we get our own team and who knows how long that'll be). The seats are in the nosebleed section but I think we'll still have a good time. Peanut's going to spend the night with one of her grandmas so she'll love that!

Yeah freedom is mine -- And I know how I feel-- It's a new dawn-- It's a new day-- It's a new life-- For me-- And I'm feeling good--I feel so good.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


I may not need it, but I'm still going to wear it!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Friday Caption Contest

Got a funny caption for this picture? Leave it in the comment section for everyone to enjoy!