Monday, April 23, 2018

Keto Chocolate Ice Cream

Guys, I am obsessed. I pieced together some recipes to fit the ingredients I had on hand and created my new favorite dessert and I plan on eating this all summer long. The flavor reminds me rich brownies so you know it's good.

Here's my recipe, tweak it however you need. This made 4 servings.

1 1/2 C whipping cream
1 1/2 C unsweetened almond milk (flavored optional but you have a better flavor if it is)
1/4 C Organic Cacao Powder
1/4 C Swerve
1/8 t Xanthan Gum Powder
1 t Vanilla extract
2 T MCT oil (optional)

I purchased this Ice Cream Maker from Amazon for a very reasonable price. You have to do a little planning ahead when you want ice cream because you have to freeze the double insulated bowl for a minimum of 17 hours. I've taken to keeping mine in the freezer now so I can eliminate that step.

In a sauce pan (I used my cast iron skillet the first time and it worked like a charm and you get all those added health benefits- do what works best for you) heat the whipping cream, cacao powder, Xanthan, and Swerve until well combined and boiling. Mixture will begin thickening. Pour mixture into a heat safe bowl. Place bowl in an ice bath to begin cooling process. Place in refrigerator for about an hour (if this mixture is still warm the ice cream will be runny). Once cooled off setup the ice cream maker.

Turn the machine on. I didn't do this the first time and it wasn't pretty. Just trust me, turn the machine on before you pour anything in.

Pour in chocolatey mixture and almond milk and let the machine do its thing for the next half hour.

Serve immediately or store in air-tight container in freezer.

The last time I made this I had one serving left over, Mr. B opted for something else. The next day when I went to eat it the ice cream was frozen solid. I popped it into the microwave for 30 seconds to help the thawing process and it was AMAZING!

Friday, April 20, 2018

One Month Down

I have not been on the Keto Diet for one month and I wanted to jot down my thoughts on the process so far.

Weight Loss: In the first 3 weeks I dropped 10 pounds! This was supper encouraging because see progress at the onset of any diet helped me to continue on this path to create new habits to make life-long changes. During this time I have given up some of my favorite foods and have adapted others.

Root Beer and other sodas- My coworkers and I often go out to eat at lunch. While I used to order water about half the time I have consistently ordered water every time we've gone out. I thought this would be hard, especially at Mexican restaurants but it really hasn't been an issue. I did try Zevia Ginger Root Beer but hated the taste as it was nothing like my A&W. That's ok, one less temptation to drink my calories.

Ice Cream- I love ice cream but even before my diet I could go weeks without any. I created a Keto Chocolate Ice Cream by taking elements of other recipes to match what I had on hand. It was delicious. It made enough for my family of 4 to have a little and everyone thought it was good. I'm not sure how well it keeps. Maybe next time I'll be able to find out.

Other recipes that I have adapted include Salmon Patties (made with Almond flour now), fajitas (no tortillas), salad (no ranch). There have been a few recipes that I've tried and thrown out. There have been a few that we've eaten and loved. It's a process and we're getting on just fine.

Water Intake: As I mentioned before drinking water wasn't a hardship, but drinking enough water has been. Because in the initial stages the body is breaking down fat and expelling stored water it's easy to lose electrolytes. I have been using Propel water beverage mix because it contains electrolytes and necessary vitamins and minerals. Plus, the grape flavor (my favorite) tricks my mind into thinking I'm having Kool-Aid or something. While I am able to get between 50-65 oz of water I have noticed the skin on my hands and arms (and probably elsewhere too) have been overly dry requiring additional applications of lotion throughout the day. I think I need to try to increase my water consumption to at least 80-95 oz.

More updates to come.

Friday, April 13, 2018

A New "Diet" Journey

I have dieted off and on my whole adult life. For every 10 pounds I would lose I would gain 20. Though I didn't have a scale when Nickel and I married I weighed in the neighborhood of 150  and nearly three years after moving to Tulsa I was in the neighborhood of 195.

Weight is just a number and one shouldn't be obsessed with it. True, but I find that this number is also a good way of gauging how the direction my life is going. After battling the winter blues I decided I needed a change. A co-worker mentioned that she was thinking of going on either the Paleo or Keto diet. I did a modified Paleo diet a few years ago and actually really enjoyed it, except for not being able to eat cheese. I saw that cheese was acceptable on Keto so I suggest we go with the Keto as I wanted to do it. What I didn't know about keto could have filled an entire library but with a little research and meal planning I set off to the store with my list.

So we started this journey on March 19, 2018. My meals consisted mostly of eggs, meat and vegetables. I cut out bread. I cut out sodas (goodbye root beer). I cut out sugar.

But, not entirely. Cold turkey leads to cranky Leslee and the keto flu. I maintained drinking a cup of coffee most days, though I did experiment with different ways of having it prepared. In the end I decided that if I MUST have coffee I would order either a short or tall caramel machiatto, preferably sugar free, which still isn't keto but was the best I could do. I had a tiny root beer float a couple of nights when the sweet tooth attacked. Despite all these trips off the wagon I managed to lose six pounds my first week! What? It was totally water weight but it was so encouraging to see the scale going in the direction I wanted it to go and I finally got back into the 180's which was a personal goal.

Week 2 I began to understand keto better. I started to see this not as a diet but as a way I could actually live the rest of my life. Maybe.

Week 3 has had a few challenges. The weight isn't just falling off me like during the first week. It has slowed down to 2-3 pounds a week, which is actually still really good. One thing I would love to avoid is excess skin from dropping weight too fast, if you know what I mean.

I hope to be able to check in soon with more progress and updates.