Friday, July 29, 2005

The Blog

Sounds almost like at 1950's horror film doesn't it? THE BLOG starring Jeff Chandler and Elizabeth Taylor .... can you see it?

So it seems that lots of people these days have an online diary, a web-log, you can find a BLOG on just about any subject. What I find crazy is that I feel compelled to have my own. Keep up with the Joneses you might say. What will my Blog be about, you ask... well, I don't really know. I don't want to set a boundary on my thoughts and where they might take me. Do I plan on getting all philosophical and deep? Doubtful. I might just tell you what I think are the best FRESH CUT FLOWERS.

--by the way carnations are good flowers that last a long time, but I prefer a bouquet of daises and roses.

Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come
Song of Solomon 2:12a

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