Monday, May 26, 2008
Being Pregnant Means Forgetting Stuff
I'm expecting some company this coming weekend so since I had the day off today I tried my best to pick things up around the house and straighten up just a bit. Don't worry, I didn't "over do it" my body keeps me from over doing anything these days. But I did manage to find some things... like the Mother's Day Cards I bought to mail out this year. Oops... I guess that's why they call it Momnesia... that's what they call it right? Sounds right, I could be wrong. What was I talking about? I don't remember.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I can't help it, I'm pregnant!
Um... there's no real rhyme or reason to this post, just what's in my head at the moment...
- Sorry I've been whiny lately. In my defense I'm pregnant, hormonal, and sleep deprived because this boy thinks my bladder is his pillow and insist on fluffing it ever hour or so. I really do appreciate my friends and family.
- In other news my friends Angie and Jaci took me out to eat since they were not able to make it to the shower. Angie had been out of town until that day and had had a headache. Jaci had planned on coming but wasn't sure where it was at and couldn't get Angie to answer the phone! LOL! The three of us had been talking of getting together without kids for lunch or dinner for some time so this was a perfect excuse! We had a great time talking about the kids, summer plans, and everything else under the sun! It was a blast, we sat and talked for an hour and a half and could've gone on twice as long, but we'll save it for another day. They gave me some very thoughtful gifts, but the one that mattered the most was the gift of friendship.
- Several weeks ago I mentioned to Nickel that I wanted to go home this weekend, or at least part of this weekend because my mom's family gets together to do the cemetery decorating thing and then picnic in SpeedTrap City. It's the one time each year all my aunts and uncles get together, and sometimes a few of my cousins show up. But then the subject was dropped. Then last week Nickel talked to his brother in Tulsa who is having a gathering of old friends that Nickel has seen in years. He mentioned wanting to see them. But again the subject was dropped until the other day I had an epiphany! One of my aunts live in Tulsa and I could ask her to give me a ride to the family gathering and Nickel could hang out with his brother and friends. (I should note that while I'm not on any driving restrictions from my doctor I don't really want to make long drives by myself at this stage of the game just in case something should happen.) I made the call and sure enough the details fell right into place so I'm really excited to see my family even if it's just for part of the day!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Fun at the Dr Office
So yesterday I had my 29 week check up. Everytime I go to the doctor I have to fill out this purple paper as to why I'm there. Most of the time I just kinda sorta fill it out because I'm OB and not really there because I'm sick. Yesterday I decided to have some fun. About half-way on the page there is a word bank where you can circle your symptoms. I circled about 10 of them. They all applied.
- Frequent Urniation
- Belly Pain
- Trouble Sleeping
- Weight Gain
- Tiredness
- Hearburn
- Headache
Those are just a few of the things I circled. I handed the paperwork back to the lady at the front desk, smiled and took my seat. Later when the doctor came in the room he shook his head and said he has some patients he limits to just three symptoms on any given visit. I looked at him as innocently as I could and said, "But they all applied". Then I burst out laughing because the look on his face was funny. He wrote in really big letters over the word bank "OB".
I think he needs a seperate form for the OB patients because that word bank was just too much fun!
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