Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Perhaps kindness has not totally become extinct in our world like I thought. Today Baby B and I had to go to the post office. When we left the house he was in a wonderful mood. The short ride was quite. I manged to make it in the doors carrying a diaper bag, carrier with 11+ pound baby, and box to mail. The line was long, but moving. Baby B and I took our place at the end of the line at the door. THEN he decided he was not happy. I knelt down to talk to him to try to pacify him. People were watching of course. Baby B did not want his binky and would not calm down so I had to take him out of his carrier. Meanwhile people are coming up behind me and cutting in line all because I'm tending to my child instead of moving with the line. I was talking quietly to Baby B trying to calm him down. I commented to him on how we lost our place in line because he was crying. Not in a blaming way but in a "can you believe these rude people?" way. The people that cut in line either talked to people around them or stared at the floor. Meanwhile Baby B is still crying. After a few moments that felt like eternity to this mom trying to calm her son down, a lady from closer to the front of the line came back and offered to help me move my stuff to my place in line. She picked up my car seat and placed it in front of the first lady that cut in line. The two ladies my things were now in the middle of were nice enough to help push all my things along in the line as it moved while I held my baby.

Perhaps it wasn't how I would've handled the situation if reversed, but people actually came through and show some kindness. In the end and I was able to tend to Baby B and get my package in the mail.


Jaclyn and Devan Swallom said...

How nice that there are still some decent people left in the world!

The Turner Family said...

gosh how frustrating! Ben was so content the other day UNTIL I stepped foot in the grocery store. Thank goodness all I needed was trash bags b/c he screamed the entire time. I think everyone in the store stared at me and asked if he was okay. so hard to try to soothe a baby while trying to pay. glad the ladies stood up for you!

R said...

People at the post office are crazy.

Leslee said...

People are just weird.


Doozie said...

I would have totally taken pity on you, because to me? Other people are more important than my own agenda ;)