One area in which Peanut and I have struggled with for oh... almost 18 years has been organization and being tidy. Once upon a time I was a crazy messy person, just ask my mother. My idea of a clean room was shoving everything I owned either under my bed or into my closet and shutting the door. Sometimes I did both. Okay, I did both quite a lot. I even went through the phase where I would put EVERYTHING on top of my bed and work to put things where they went. I will admit that a time or two I MAY have pushed everything back on the floor so that I could sleep. Hey, my sleep is very important to me.
Peanut, is much like her mother in this regard, but before I'm ready she will be out on her own trying to keep her own family from destroying her home. I only have a finite amount of time to really drive home those "when your space is clutter-free your mind is more apt to be as well" lessons. I'm sure there are health benefits to not growing science experiments in your room as well.
Side note, I once left mushrooms in my room to rot for weeks. Not from a pizza or anything, I didn't dare eat them in my youth. No, these were your found in the woods, may or may not be magical but don't try this at home kind of mushrooms. Rotting mushrooms smell most foul. Just trust me on this. My mother was furious. I haven't done that in at least 30 years though.
So after eating pizza and watching a couple of Christmas movies with Peanut I asked her if we could work on her room for an hour. Just an hour. To say she wasn't thrilled with the prospect of cleaning her room, much less with her mother, would be the understatement of the twenty first century, but agreed. We decided we would start with her dresser which was full to bursting.
This lovely 3-drawer solid wood dresser was a steal that I found at a local furniture resale shop for only $75 not long after moving to T-Town. Did I mention it's solid wood? Yeah, heavy stuff. No partical boards here. This baby was built to last. We worked for an hour deciding if she wanted to keep each item, throw it away or donate it. By the end of the hour we have a well organized dresser with room for clothes from the overflowing laundry basket- you know, whenever they get washed.
I asked her to go get a broom and dust pan, oh and since she had to go through the kitchen, why didn't take all these cups that either need to be washed or emptied and thrown away. With only an eye-roll she did as I requested. we now have a 3'x3' space with not only a dresser with drawers that close but beautiful hardwood floors too. Progress.
Tomorrow she might even clean off the top of the dresser. Now if I can just get her to keep it this way... wish me luck.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Peanut and Adulting
I started this blog 12 years ago when Peanut was just a wee little kindergartner. Life with her has not always been easy but it has been an adventure. We have both matured over the years. The older she gets the better we get along. From her early years I hoped that when she was an adult that we could have the type of friendship that I enjoy with my own mother. The years have been kind and we do have an easy rapport.
*insert the sappy orchestra music*
My little Peanut now has a job, is in the process of applying to colleges and dreaming of her future as- *abrupt end to music*
Being an adult and doing adult things is not quite what my Peanut imagined in her youth. She has a job but her hours are in consistent while her bills pretty much stay the same. She's still in school so really she's just practicing being an adult before she really has to be. She has a car, graciously given to her by her parents upon obtaining her driver's license. However she is responsible for the gas and her car insurance (which is on her parent's policy therefore is much lower than if she were on her own), and she has to pay for her cell phone- not the bill, her parents pay for her line she is only responsible for the payment of the phone itself. A lot more of her check than she would like is spent on said bills, but she still manages to have enough to be able to buy coffee and Chick-fil-A from time to time.
The other day she asked me for a suggestion on what she could take to a Christmas party she's attending in her Drama Department. Knowing that these types of gatherings is all about the junk food I suggested a chips and cheese dip made with just Velveeta and Rotel. Simple but tasty. Last night she called me from the grocery store and asked what she needed.
"Um, chips, Velveeta and Rotel." I replied.
But she couldn't find the ingredients. So I had to try to give her directions to where she needed to look for said items even though I wasn't there and couldn't tell what she was looking at. She finally found the items on her list. I packed everything she would need in my Crockpot (including the can opener because Lord knows she wouldn't have thought of that) and told her how to make said dip. Seriously, it's hard to mess up when you only have two ingredients.
I can say for certain that it's good that she's practicing this adulting thing while still in high school and living at home. I can't imagine her going off to college in another city without some basic survival skills.
*insert the sappy orchestra music*
My little Peanut now has a job, is in the process of applying to colleges and dreaming of her future as- *abrupt end to music*
Being an adult and doing adult things is not quite what my Peanut imagined in her youth. She has a job but her hours are in consistent while her bills pretty much stay the same. She's still in school so really she's just practicing being an adult before she really has to be. She has a car, graciously given to her by her parents upon obtaining her driver's license. However she is responsible for the gas and her car insurance (which is on her parent's policy therefore is much lower than if she were on her own), and she has to pay for her cell phone- not the bill, her parents pay for her line she is only responsible for the payment of the phone itself. A lot more of her check than she would like is spent on said bills, but she still manages to have enough to be able to buy coffee and Chick-fil-A from time to time.
The other day she asked me for a suggestion on what she could take to a Christmas party she's attending in her Drama Department. Knowing that these types of gatherings is all about the junk food I suggested a chips and cheese dip made with just Velveeta and Rotel. Simple but tasty. Last night she called me from the grocery store and asked what she needed.
"Um, chips, Velveeta and Rotel." I replied.
But she couldn't find the ingredients. So I had to try to give her directions to where she needed to look for said items even though I wasn't there and couldn't tell what she was looking at. She finally found the items on her list. I packed everything she would need in my Crockpot (including the can opener because Lord knows she wouldn't have thought of that) and told her how to make said dip. Seriously, it's hard to mess up when you only have two ingredients.
I can say for certain that it's good that she's practicing this adulting thing while still in high school and living at home. I can't imagine her going off to college in another city without some basic survival skills.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Truly Inspired
I don't always feel God's presence in my life. Listen, I don't doubt for one moment that He's not there, it's simply just me not paying attention. Then there are days like today when it's like "There! There's God working in my life right there. In plain sight."
Let me back up to the beginning of this story. As a LuLaRoe consultant I have a Facebook group and through this group I have met some of the most amazing women and I am thankful to call many of them friends after our day in and day out interaction.
Recently, during a sale one girl purchased a shirt and immediately asked me in a private message if I would send it to her friend who is also part of my group. I, of course, jumped at the chance. I love being a part of a conspiracy to make someone's day a little brighter. So on Monday morning the package was shipped to its new home.
Today, I received a sweet message telling me the shirt "feels like love" and she thanked me. I of course admitted I only sent the package, but was truly happy that she loves her new shirt.
A few hours later I received a message from the first friend thanking me for whatever I had written in the note. The thank you she received from her friend went something like this,
So what did I say? I honestly don't remember what words I used but they were along the lines of that someone was thinking about her, she is loved and to never forget that.
I wrote the words, I meant the words, but those words were not my own. I believe with every fiber of my being that God knew that woman needed a friend. She needed to know she is not alone in this life. God laid it upon my friend's heart to send her a gift. God spoke the words she needed to hear in my ear.
Is this how the writers of the Bible felt? Did they ever know the impact those words had on others? I doubt they had any concept that their words would be translated in more languages that were known to them.
Let me back up to the beginning of this story. As a LuLaRoe consultant I have a Facebook group and through this group I have met some of the most amazing women and I am thankful to call many of them friends after our day in and day out interaction.
Recently, during a sale one girl purchased a shirt and immediately asked me in a private message if I would send it to her friend who is also part of my group. I, of course, jumped at the chance. I love being a part of a conspiracy to make someone's day a little brighter. So on Monday morning the package was shipped to its new home.
Today, I received a sweet message telling me the shirt "feels like love" and she thanked me. I of course admitted I only sent the package, but was truly happy that she loves her new shirt.
A few hours later I received a message from the first friend thanking me for whatever I had written in the note. The thank you she received from her friend went something like this,
"I really was thinking earlier anyone thinking about me right now? Just felt a little lonely and lost in my frustrations. And this appeared! And you said what you said! So perfectly timed and just what I honestly needed!"
So what did I say? I honestly don't remember what words I used but they were along the lines of that someone was thinking about her, she is loved and to never forget that.
I wrote the words, I meant the words, but those words were not my own. I believe with every fiber of my being that God knew that woman needed a friend. She needed to know she is not alone in this life. God laid it upon my friend's heart to send her a gift. God spoke the words she needed to hear in my ear.
Is this how the writers of the Bible felt? Did they ever know the impact those words had on others? I doubt they had any concept that their words would be translated in more languages that were known to them.
Monday, August 21, 2017
The First of the Lasts

I have 30 minutes to type this blog entry and convey all of the emotions I am feeling. That is all the time I have allowed myself today (from 7:30-10:30) then I have to pick myself up, take a deep breath and go about my regularly scheduled tasks for the day.
Why the three-hour pity party? Well, today was the beginning of the end. Today started with the last First Day of School picture I will take of my little Peanut.Today she began her senior year of high school.
I began in this blog in 2005 when my Peanut was 5 years old. She was sassy. She was strong-willed. She was determined. Basically, she was a handful. From birth to about eight years we had many disagreements. So very many. I couldn't wait for her to grow up.
Her first day of Pre-K was a good day. After attending a pre-school class at the church I worked at I took her to her first day of public school Pre-K. She was tiny but she was fierce. I didn't cry. I was ready for her to take on the world and show them what she had and she did just that. She boldly walked into school and set about making her mark.
The years passed. She grew in knowledge and understanding. Our relationship became less antagonistic and slowly we became friends. Don't get me wrong, we still have moments where she and I clash in opinion and wills, but thankfully, these events are growing fewer and further in between.
Then, today Peanut began her senior year of high school. Today was the last time I will take her First Day of School picture and it makes me sad. This year will be full of last times. I know that this is an exciting time. So much of life happens after you leave the halls of 8:30-3:30. After high school she will have the opportunity to see new things, experience life she never realized existed. I'm truly excited for these things, but at the same time I want to hold on these moments because I still see that cute little 4 year old in pigtails and I want to hold her and never let her go.
I'm not crying. There's allergies in my eyes. Also, that was a total lie, I'm totally crying. I am 100% positive this will not the last time I cry. It's just the beginning.
Tuesday, August 08, 2017
A Little "Me" Time and Other Lies I Tell Myself
Nickel and I both work outside the home and the children are often left to their own devices. And by devices I mean iPhone or tablets. Often upon arriving at home of the evening I spend anywhere from 15-45 minutes listening to Peanut or TheBoyWhoDidNotTalk(much) tell me all about the day. Sometimes Peanut is at work by the time I get home.o
After dinner tonight, I went to my bedroom to soak up some quiet time. Within a couple of minutes here came Peanut flopping on the bed beside me and started talking. Twenty minutes on probably only four breaths later TheBoyWhoDidNotTalk(much) wondered into my room waving a weapon he had crafted using colorful straws and a lot of tape. It reminded me of something that might appear in a Dr. Seuss book to be honest. I thought for sure he was going to poke his sister with it but he was a good boy and refrained himself. We discussed the quantity of straws used to make this giant gun/stick/thingymabob and tape. "Hey! If you leave tape just laying on the floor I'm going to use it!" he yelled in his defense. Well, he did make a good point there.
The rest of the night passed in the regular ebb and flow of a middle income family of four living quietly in the heart of the second largest city in the state. Before going to bed Peanut attempted to retrieve her phone charger next to the chair we lovingly call her nest when all of a sudden she cries out, "Ow! I didn't see that pillow until it was poking me in the eye." We laughed for a good five minutes over the irony of that statement.
I dearly love my family. I love that we can laugh together and at each other. I hope we always stay this way.
After dinner tonight, I went to my bedroom to soak up some quiet time. Within a couple of minutes here came Peanut flopping on the bed beside me and started talking. Twenty minutes on probably only four breaths later TheBoyWhoDidNotTalk(much) wondered into my room waving a weapon he had crafted using colorful straws and a lot of tape. It reminded me of something that might appear in a Dr. Seuss book to be honest. I thought for sure he was going to poke his sister with it but he was a good boy and refrained himself. We discussed the quantity of straws used to make this giant gun/stick/thingymabob and tape. "Hey! If you leave tape just laying on the floor I'm going to use it!" he yelled in his defense. Well, he did make a good point there.
The rest of the night passed in the regular ebb and flow of a middle income family of four living quietly in the heart of the second largest city in the state. Before going to bed Peanut attempted to retrieve her phone charger next to the chair we lovingly call her nest when all of a sudden she cries out, "Ow! I didn't see that pillow until it was poking me in the eye." We laughed for a good five minutes over the irony of that statement.
I dearly love my family. I love that we can laugh together and at each other. I hope we always stay this way.
Thursday, August 03, 2017
One Week To Live
I haven't had nearly enough coffee this morning but here is my random musing for the day. Did you know that the average lifespan of a gnat is 7 days. That's it, one week to be born, go through the awkward stage, graduate high school, find a honey and die.
That's gotta be some pick-up line though, "Hey baby, I only 72 hours to live, want to hook up?"
What do you think the gnat that lives to 10 days says to their grandchildren? "When I was your age, last week, I flew around a banana for two hours. People were clapping and cheering all around me. Oh, those were the days."
Seriously, I need to go find some coffee. Have a lovely day.
That's gotta be some pick-up line though, "Hey baby, I only 72 hours to live, want to hook up?"
What do you think the gnat that lives to 10 days says to their grandchildren? "When I was your age, last week, I flew around a banana for two hours. People were clapping and cheering all around me. Oh, those were the days."
Seriously, I need to go find some coffee. Have a lovely day.
Friday, July 28, 2017
12th Anniversary
On July 30, 2005 I published the very first entry on this blog. For several years I faithfully chronicled my thoughts, happenings and life in general. Around 2008 Facebook appeared on the scene and I was able to get more reactions in less time. As years past this blog received less and less of my attention, but still I kept for one reason or another. I love looking back at the stories I used to tell about Peanut, my daughter who is about to start her senior year in high school if you can believe it! These memories would have been forgotten had I not written them down.
I cannot say the same about TheBoyWhoDidNotTalk(much), but my memories of him are on Facebook, not as easily accessible. I should find a way to retrieve them. Memories are important. You never know when the deep desire to look back will overtake you.
So on this, the eve (or close enough) of my anniversary, I renew my commitment to the blog. In a sort. There will be no promises to write my thoughts down often. I wish I could say that I will write every morning between 8 and 9 am, but that's silly for I do not know what tomorrow will bring. However, I renew my commitment to not delete this blog. As long as blogger exists, I will maintain this blog and from time to time I will write down my musings.
An update on life-
Nickel is still my one and only. He and I recently celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. While in some aspects it feels as though only a few moments have passed in other aspects it feels as though we've spent three lifetimes together. One thing I know for sure, my love for him is deeper than it has ever been. Our marriage is a true partnership. We share responsibilities and I never feel like I'm going through life alone. My hope is that my children will someday find that person who makes them feel the same.
Peanut, as I mentioned is a senior in high school. She is both looking forward to it and dreading it. More than anything she despises hearing the "so, where are you going to go to college and what will you major in" question that EVERYONE feels compelled to ask. She knows it's a normal question for people her age but she's feeling a bit overwhelmed. Nickel and I try not to bombard her with our thoughts on subject, but she knows we would prefer she go to the college that costs the least.
TheBoyWhoDidNotTalk(much) is going into third grade and he never stops talking. He still is difficult to understand at times, but through Speech Therapy has improved leaps and bounds. He recently celebrated his ninth birthday. When I asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday he said, "go to a museum." So, along with his favorite cousin GrahamCracker and my SIL we went to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum. The boys had a blast. They got to get inside airplanes, launch a space shuttle, fly a hot air balloon, and so much more.
I cannot say the same about TheBoyWhoDidNotTalk(much), but my memories of him are on Facebook, not as easily accessible. I should find a way to retrieve them. Memories are important. You never know when the deep desire to look back will overtake you.
So on this, the eve (or close enough) of my anniversary, I renew my commitment to the blog. In a sort. There will be no promises to write my thoughts down often. I wish I could say that I will write every morning between 8 and 9 am, but that's silly for I do not know what tomorrow will bring. However, I renew my commitment to not delete this blog. As long as blogger exists, I will maintain this blog and from time to time I will write down my musings.
An update on life-
Nickel is still my one and only. He and I recently celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. While in some aspects it feels as though only a few moments have passed in other aspects it feels as though we've spent three lifetimes together. One thing I know for sure, my love for him is deeper than it has ever been. Our marriage is a true partnership. We share responsibilities and I never feel like I'm going through life alone. My hope is that my children will someday find that person who makes them feel the same.
Peanut, as I mentioned is a senior in high school. She is both looking forward to it and dreading it. More than anything she despises hearing the "so, where are you going to go to college and what will you major in" question that EVERYONE feels compelled to ask. She knows it's a normal question for people her age but she's feeling a bit overwhelmed. Nickel and I try not to bombard her with our thoughts on subject, but she knows we would prefer she go to the college that costs the least.
TheBoyWhoDidNotTalk(much) is going into third grade and he never stops talking. He still is difficult to understand at times, but through Speech Therapy has improved leaps and bounds. He recently celebrated his ninth birthday. When I asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday he said, "go to a museum." So, along with his favorite cousin GrahamCracker and my SIL we went to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum. The boys had a blast. They got to get inside airplanes, launch a space shuttle, fly a hot air balloon, and so much more.
Ecclesiastes 3: To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
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