Last month I told you about Haley, my best friend from high school, getting engaged(finally). The town I grew up takes about three and half hours to drive to so it was cheaper for me to buy it and have her to mail me the dress then for me to drive there and rent it, have them altered, and try it on before the wedding. When I got the dress I immediately tried it on. It looked too small. It was. With much struggle and no breathing Nickel was finally able to zip the dress up without bursting any seams. Barely.
With Nickel's dad dying I wasn't able to focus on the dress or loosing weight. I was just trying to make it from one day to the next without an emotional breakdown. So, now the world has calmed down and normalcy, whatever that really is, has resumed. I've been making better eating choices. I've limited myself to just one soda a day (I haven't limited myself on the size of that soda, sometimes it's a medium coke, sometimes it's a large- but only one). And I've added more exercise to my daily routine. Mostly my daily routine includes walking, but I added in some strength training and pilates whenever I can fit it in. My bathroom scale hasn't moved very much, but I know my clothes are getting loose, even the ones I had buy a few months ago.
So, this morning, I thought, 'I wonder how close I am to that dress fitting.' So, I did what any girl would have done, I put it on! And you know what, it zipped up. Now, I struggled with it a little bit, but I was trying to zip a dress by myself. But IT ZIPPED! I didn't even have to keep from breathing either! I'm so excited. I'm not going to have it altered (I'm short, it's 3 feet too long) for a couple more weeks so who knows what kind of alterations will need to be made by then. Doesn't that sound exciting??!?!? Well, it does to me. And that's why today I'm tooting my own horn!!!
In other news, my friend Simple Faith has started a blog. Why don't ya'll stop by her place and tell her hello and give her a blogger welcome!!