Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Thought for the Day
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
A Fun Little Meme
1. A Place You've Visited and Your Favorite Thing there. Ohio- I went with a highschool friend one summer. I really liked seeing all the old houses and tried to imagine what it was like when they were built.
2. Country You'd Like to Visit and Why Italy- I've always wanted to experience the way of life there.
3. A Place From History You'd Like to Visit and Why I'd have liked to have known my grandmother as a little girl. To experience the things she did.
4. A Place You Know a Lot About I'm most familiar with my dreams. Beyond that I don't know enough about anywhere.
5. A Place You'd Like to Learn More About England in the 1800's.
6. A Fictional Place You'd Like to Visit Pemberly, but only if I were Elizabeth Bennett
You are welcome to play along. Let me know if you do!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
My So-Called Life
I finally bought some shoes to wear to the wedding that's coming up in a couple of weeks. They cost $60. I don't like them $60 bucks worth but oh well. I'll take what I get and not throw a fit.
Speaking of weddings, I worked my last wedding for the year and possibly ever. I'm tired of dealing with bridesmaids that think they are entitled. They're not. I quit.
Peanut is playing soccer again. This year they chose to be called the Bratz. I'm a firm believer that your kids will act like what you call them (yes, names have meaning) so I'm a little fearful of the girls being called Bratz. I'm not going to stress over it though. This year we have a ref. This is good because some of the teams we played last year cheated and now they can't. We also have a bigger field and net. This is good because some of our girls (read: Peanut) has a lead foot and tends to over shoot the little goals.
I'll post some pictures when I actually remember to take my camera to the game. Maybe this weekend.
Speaking of this weekend I'm going to do a yard sale. I hate yard sales. I never have enough to actually have a yard sale, but my mother-in-law is having one and she's invited 4 or 5 other women to throw stuff in it. Now I can sell all that crap that's been collecting dust for me.
Have a great day!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
People Siting
Lady One: After dropping Peanut off at school on Monday I headed to work taking my normal route. I drive west and the sun isn't in my eyes, but it was obviously in the eyes of oncoming traffic because I saw an elderly lady, a passenger in an older vehicle, holding a fist full of dollars in front of her eyes to block the bright sun. I laughed out loud the rest of the way to work. Some people use their sun visors, some people use a wad of cash. Whatever works!
Lady Two: I had to go to the mall yesterday to complete my outfit for the wedding I'm in in October. I found what I needed, checked out and was about to go on my merry little way. As I was gathering my belongings and trying to shove my change in my purse the lady in line behind me laid up a couple of outfits that looked exactly the same only different sizes. The small one looked odd, but I didn't have my glasses on so I couldn't see it very well to tell what was wrong. I smiled and turned to walk away. Next thing I heard was the cashier telling the lady she couldn't return the smaller size because it had be obviously worn. I glanced back, I now had my glasses on, and could tell it had been through the washer a couple of times. Yes, I'm sure the baby did outgrow it quickly. They usually do at that size. The things people try to get away with. It was really sad. I didn't stay around to listen to her argue. I'm thinking that perhaps she should go ask the lady that uses her money as a sun visor to buy her some new clothes.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Something I heard
For instance, hell. How can it be a big fire pit and be totally dark? Doesn't fire light things up?
The other guy that was crucified the same day as Jesus. He didn't pray a sinners prayer. He didn't confess every single sin. All he did was believe Jesus was who he said he was. Then Jesus said that because he believed that DAY he would be in Paradise with him. Wouldn't the same apply to everyone that believed?
But then he goes on to say that Christ saved his whole creation. Every sinner. No, maybe you didn't hear me, EVERY SINNER. And because he has saved every sinner (ie, every single person that's walked this earth even the people that haven't heard of Christ. Even the people that choose to believe in Allah. Even the people that refuse to believe in any god. Even the two bit whore you saw walking down the street the other day. Even her.) that we'll all go to be with our savior at the end of this life. This one, I must admit, is a little difficult for me to wrap my mind around. Not the part about Christ coming for even the two bit whore, because I do believe that every person is welcome in God's eyes, the part I can't seem to wrap my mind around is saving grace for even the people who choose not to believe in Him in this life.
Anyway, all that to say, last week he made this statement on grace and mercy:
Grace is when God chooses to give you something you do not deserve.
Mercy is when God chooses to not give you something you do deserve.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Go Ahead, Make Me Laugh
Thursday, September 14, 2006
More Fresh-Cut Flowers
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Peanut the Mechanic

Here are some more pictures of my mechanics. She and her daddy are working on my 1979 Z28 Camaro. The motor and transmission are both shot so they are pulling stuff off to be able to pull the motor out and replace it with my father-in-laws motor (don't get me started about how emotional I am about having the motor he built put in my car just know how touched I am).
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
A Square Peanut?
"Oh look," replied the nurse, "you're almost square."
I'm kinda glad she's not.
*I was going to upload this funny picture but blogger won't let me*
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Shh... It's a secret.
Well, now that I know about the Hidden Park I think we'll be taking more trips there to play!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Prayer Request
Last night a group of four friends ages 18-20 were driving home to Enid from Tulsa and were tragically killed in a collision. Isaac, the oldest of the bunch, was an acquaintance of mine. We met last year in dance. He was one of the sweetest people I've ever known. The oldest of 8 or 9 kids he never met a stranger.
Want to hear something ironic? This last weekend his family held a going away party for him as he was about to leave for a year on a mission trip. He got to see all his family and close friends and tell them goodbye. For years he has participated in a Easter Drama called Eternal Crossings. He played a guy that was killed in a car accident and went to Heaven. No one doubts that that is where he is today. The church that is trying to organize the funeral for the four kids stopped by my work today to see if our facility was available and how many it would accommodate. Usually we have a couple things booked every day of the year unless the facilities are closed. Well, this weekend we just so happen to have not one single thing booked in our facilities. Seems, God's been working in this situation for a few years, doesn't it.
Please, take a moment today to pray for the families that were effected by this tragedy. Pray also for their friends and the lives they've touched their short time here on earth.
Thank you.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
1. Three things that scare me:
Being alone in dark unfamiliar place
big big dogs
2. Three people that make me laugh:
Hutch (a guy I knew in high school that always made me laugh)
3. Three things I hate the most:
Rude people
4. Three things I don't understand:
Osmosis and why I can't just absorb text book materials
how big the internet really is
5. Three things I'm doing right now:
Wondering what I need to do to keep my China Doll from dying
drinking koolaid from a Dasani bottle
wishing I could go take a nap
6. Three things I want to do before I die:
Finish college
learn ballet
be a size six
7. Three things I can do:
Make a dump cake (it's in the oven right now)
make paper snow flakes
8. Three ways to describe my personality:
9. Three things I can't do:
submit to something I know to be wrong
imagine myself somewhere and actually be there
walk through walls (kinda goes with the second one)
10. Three things I think you should listen to:
The voices (I know I'm not the only one that hears them)
Me- now go buy someone special some flowers. If you have no one to buy flowers for email me and I'll give you the name and address of someone you can send flowers to.
You mother
11. Three things you should never listen to:
The voices that tell you to do bad things like kill, steal, lie
People who tell you you're not good enough
12. Three things I'd like to learn:
How to loose weight by wishing it off
How to tell all the flowers of the world apart
13. Three favorite foods:
Chicken Quesadias
14. Three beverages I drink regularly:
cherry coke
15. Three shows I watched as a kid:
Night Rider
A Team
Seasame Street