Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Fresh Air

A breath of fresh air, a change of scenery were just what the doctor ordered. Well, perhaps the Tall Doctor didn't say those exact words to me last time I was in his office. But I'm sure they were implied. And that's exactly what I got this past weekend.

For Mother's Day we packed up the children, gassed up the car and headed east. There's just something about Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma that sooths my soul. It give me comfort and a sense of peace fills me.

(Though having some funny sounds coming from my car that stressed my husband out didn't exactly help my blood pressure.)

The weather was absolutely perfect. It was warm but there was a nice cool breeze blowing from time to time throughout the whole afternoon.  My wonderful sister-in-law prepared a delicious afternoon meal and the 6 adults gathered around a table near the pool while the 5 children found places to sit among the lounge chairs and parental laps. I had a headache for most of the day but the company couldn't have been better. The conversations, that I mostly just listened to, were lively and entertaining. I do so love Nickel's mom and brother and their spouses. The kids all get along very well though the two three year olds can push each other's buttons as three year olds are wont to do.

I don't know what it is about water but as soon as the pool is open the children have this overwhelming urge to jump in. So they did, all 5 of them took two or three dips playing until their lips turned blue and their parents made them get out. Peanut was told she could only get in if she watched Butter and she did a really good job accepting her roll without complaint. We, of course, were just a few feet away keeping our own eyes on the children as they played and when the three year olds were in the pool an adult was always poolside.

But I just relaxed. Soaked up some sun and Vitamin D. It was hard saying goodbye that evening but  Monday morning would be upon us before we knew it so we headed back west. It was a short day trip, but it was exactly what I needed to recharge my batteries.

This coming Friday is my day off since I work on Saturday. Being the our last chance before school is out next week, Nickel has taken a vacation day. It'll almost be like having a 6 hour date! I'm so excited. We'll probably do really exciting stuff like go to the bank, go out to lunch and grab some stuff from the grocery store. But there are a few other things we're considering. We might go look at some used cars, as reliable transportation is a must with all the trips we make back and forth across the state. And there's even a slight chance we might watch a movie. But if those plans fall through we might just stay home and watch a movie and take a nap. We do love our naps. Silly children, the antinaptakers, sometimes thwart our weekend naps but if they're at school, they can't stop us! Bwahahaha!

Whatever we do it'll be nice just to spend some time alone without being interrupted, without choosing a restaurant based on if they have a kids menu, and without having to stop in the middle of a conversation to explain what certain words mean. Wow, doesn't that sound nice?

So, it Friday yet?

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