Wednesday, November 08, 2006


This just in from Peanut.

There are no horses in Missouri!

Just thought ya'll would like to know. I'm not sure who her source is but she thinks they are very reliable. Hmm.. I wonder if its the same person who told her all about the penguins and other animals she educated me about back in May. Nor do I know how this information will effect your day, but it sure made me sigh with relief. I mean, we can't have horses running around all willy-nilly in Missouri, now can we?


Cindy said...

I hate to break it to you both but I was in Missouri this summer and I did indeed see horses.

Maybe they were escapees from Arkansas, I don't know for sure.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Read the penguin post, too.

Leslee said...

Cindy, just because you saw them there this summer doesn't mean they're still there!! lOL

Thanks Lynn, I'm not sure where she comes up with this stuff but its always amusing.

Suzy-Q said...

maybe they are all in Nebraska with the penguins. :o)

cassidy's friend, megan is a 'bear racer'. i asked cass, 'do you mean BARRELL racer?' she replied, 'No mom, she chases bears on a horse.'

oh. who knew??

kids. gotta love 'em!

Anonymous said...

It must be a comfort to the Missourians, to know they're in no danger of being trampled by a rampaging horse. Unlike the rest of the states. Kind of like Alberta and it's lack of rats, I guess.

Jenn said...

aint never been to 'Missoura'

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Perhaps this has something to do with that Elmer's Glue factory in Joplin ...